Sandwich Project
Golden Fleece
4 Clubs 1 Vision

Sandwich Project
Every year, all RTB tables are rolled out to a joint operation, called ‘Operation Sandwich’.
Operation Sandwich involves replacing the meal of a meeting with sandwiches. The usual cost of meals is paid to a special fund for theOperation Sandwich. This fund is intended to carry out a philanthropic or social operation ‘worthy of a national action’. Each Table can by this process(personally or in collaboration with other Tables) obtain the necessary funds to help, either their community service or an extraordinary community service. This community service must present all the guarantees of continuity, both in the interest of the project itself and in the interest of the Promoter Table (s).
This meeting will be held before the 10th Statutory Meeting (end of October at the latest) and according to the convenience of the Table Committees, either at the usual local level or at any other place informed at least 30 days in advance by means of the Table Report, since it is a statutory meeting.
The amount received by Tabler and per meal is fixed by convention at €23.00 for all Tables. Each Tabler will pay for his participation whether or not he is present at the meeting. The money thus collected will be paid in full to one or more project(s) whose choice was decided at the last AGM.
Each Table or Group of Tables can propose a project. This project will be proposed to RTB and evaluated by RTB. These must be returned no later than October 30th. A project will be retained only if the file is complete and detailed.
Successful projects will be made known to all RTB members before December 31st by the national committee.
Each Table in a statutory meeting will decide which will be the project (s) to be supported at the AGM. During the vote during the AGM, it is possible to reject all projects. The money thus collected, will be paid in full or according to a distribution key fixed in advance to work (s) whose choice was decided at the last AGM.
A report of the realization will be presented to RTB by the Promoters Table.
Each year RTB offers all the tables to participate in an operation called ‘Operation Peyresq’. Peyresq operation allows a Table (or several associated Tables) to accompany an association taking care of young people in difficulty in the village of Peyresq or in any other place in Belgium or anywhere else.
The purpose of this operation is to allow young people who are stalled to change the context of their lives for a few days and discover new values based on a healthier life in the fresh air. The action is also intended to promote the image of the Round Table in Belgium by helping less favoured population.
Tables wishing to run for the Peyresq operation of the year must make themselves known to the National Committee within 30 days of RTB’s AGM and will be able to promote to the other Tables the reasons that motivate them to participate in the project.
The election will take place during the mi-AGM so as to allow the preparation of the. Each Table in a statutory meeting will decide which project(s) to support at the mi-AGM. When voting during the mi-AGM there is the possibility of rejecting all projects.
A report of the stay will be presented to the ASBL by the Promoter Tables at the following mi-AGM.
Good luck with your initiative
Golden Fleece Foundation
In 1971, a senior member of RT Belgium offered a sum of 2.000 Euros to any divided and awarded over a period of ten years in annual allocations of 2.000 Euros to any club in World Council, to assist their community service projects. Until 1983, the donator remained anonymous, however following an unanimous decision of the Annual General Meeting of RT Belgium on 23rt April 1983, he was made an honorary life member of the association and his identity was revealed – Paul Hottlet, of Round Table Antwerp 2 and founder of the ‘Golden Fleece Fund’. RT Belgium has decided to perpetuate the ‘fund”, which is now known as the ‘Golden Fleece Foundation’ – the Golden Fleece being the symbol of RTB. The ‘Golden Fleece Foundation’ is funded by Belgian Tablers and by private donations. The Award, a minimum of 3.000 Euro, will be made to the club, which during the past twelve months made the greatest effort, be it financial or personal, towards its community service, with consideration being given to the urgency of the need, as well as to its general appeal and stimulation features. The allocation of the Award or only implicates a recognition of efforts already made, but intends to be of help in the fulfilment and/or to favour further efforts in the community service of the club.
Club candidates for the Award must take an application in writing from a special questionnaire (refer to right hand column). Applications must be received at the latest by 15th May of the current year. Exceptionally, the nomination or application may be presented by another club, both belonging in either case to World Council. The same procedure for application applies.
The Award
The Award will be presented to the winning clubs delegation or representative at the World Council AGM in the form of a cheque. The selection committee consists of the administrators of the ‘Foundation’ including the donator. The selection com- mittee reserves the right to divide the Award amongst two or more clubs.
Applications should be sent to the President of Round Table Belgium to reach the following address not later than 15th May.
4 Clubs 1 Vision
This association aims to foster cooperation between Ladies’ Circle, Round Table, Agora Club and 41 Clubs. Recruitment is its main objective but the organization of common activities or projects is another important goal.
This association also anticipates the legal obligation to include both genders in its clubs.
Christmas in a box
Every year, we prepare and gather gift boxes for “Christmas in a box”. These boxes go to homeless and needy people in our society.
Each club certainly knows a local association who organizes a Christmas party. If each 4C1V member prepares a gift, we will have the privilege to make a smile appear on the face of many, many people at the end of the year.
Every box matters. Why? Because each person is allowed some measure of solidarity and generosity for Christmas.
If your club doesn’t know an association it could support, you can offer your gift boxes to the Samaritans, the Restos du Cœur or the CPAS in your region and drop them in the different storage locations mentioned on between December 1 and 22. Just think about warning them of your arrival.
Xmas In a Box – Instructions
Each shoebox must contain a dozen items, food and/or drinks (non-alcoholic, non-perishable, easy to open [without a can opener], ready to be eaten [without needing heating]) and/or toys, sweets, etc., accompanied by a greeting card. They are then wrapped up as Christmas gifts, with the mention girl/boy and the age of the child for the toys or adult man/woman.
You can find any complementary information about this “Christmas in a box” action on the following website:
Our action “Christmas in a box” is organized jointly by Agora Club Belgium, Ladies Circle Belgium, Round Table Belgium and 41 Clubs Belgium.
Like last year, do not hesitate to take some pictures of your boxes and send them to the 4C1V workgroup or your national secretary, so they can be shared on Facebook!
This project is doable with little means, and involves very little money, since it’s the thought (and gesture) that counts.
Meal distribution
Warm meal distribution in Brussels
Every single Tuesday of the year
Two options:
- €50 (or more if you want 😉 to support the action financially
- €250 to go there with your club on the Tuesday of your choice to distribute the meals.
Pay this amount to the 4 Clubs 1 Vision bank account: BE19 3630 9501 8412.
Time and place: meeting at 7:30PM outside of the Botanique/Kruidtuin subway station, the distribution ends around 9PM.
Find your date in the two Doodles that were created for this purpose (you can find the links for these on the 4 clubs 1 Vision Facebook page) and contact Xavier Velghe with the number of people who wish to be present and we’ll be happy to organize this for you.